His brusqueness with his patients has given him a bad name.
口のきき方がぞんざいである: 1. be rough in one's speech 2. be rough-spoken 彼らの私に対する態度がはっきりと変わった。: There was a palpable kind of a shift in the way they were to me. 人生に対する態度: someone's attitude to life〔人の〕 学校に対する態度: attitude toward school 決定に対する態度: attitude to [on, toward] the resolution of〔~の〕 決議に対する態度: attitude to [on, toward] the resolution of〔~の〕 悪い評判を与える: give someone a bad name〔人に〕 悪い評判を得る: get a bad character 悪い評判を起こす: become the subject of some notoriety 対する態度が変わる: act differently toward〔人に〕 医者が患者に接する態度: bedside manner 素晴らしい評判を聞いたので: due to the excellent feedback received from〔人から〕 ぞんざいな態度: 1. cavalier treatment 2. deshabille / dishabille〈フランス語〉 対する態度: attitude towards〔~に〕 その少年は授業中に態度が悪かったので、罰せられた: The boy was punished for his misconduct during class.