不幸に立ち向かう: brave misfortunes 世界に立ち向かう: meet the world 侮辱に立ち向かう: retaliate to someone's insults〔人の〕 反対に立ち向かう: brave the opposition 困難に立ち向かう: 1. cope with difficult times 2. face (one's) difficulties 3. face the music 強敵に立ち向かう: strive against fearful odds 怒りに立ち向かう: face someone's anger〔人の〕 恐怖に立ち向かう: face fear 抵抗に立ち向かう: brave the opposition 改革に立ち向かう: 1. stand up for reform 2. take on challenges for reform 攻撃に立ち向かう: stand an attack 敢然と~に立ち向かう: stand up heroically 敵に立ち向かう: 1. confront an enemy 2. face a foe 3. oppose foe 暴力に立ち向かう: oppose violence 横風に立ち向かう: crab《航空》 {自動}