give someone a sentence of between __ and __ years in prison
執行猶予付きの懲役_カ月の刑を言い渡す: sentence someone to a suspended __-month prison term〔人に〕 懲役_年を言い渡す: sentence someone to a prison term of __ years〔人に〕 懲役_年以下: up to __ years of in jail _年以下の懲役となる: be imprisoned for a maximum of __ years _年以下の懲役を受ける: face prison terms up to __ years _年以上_以下の懲役または_ドル以上_ドル以下の罰金: punishment by imprisonment for __ to __ years or a fine of $__ to $__ 殺人について懲役_年半の刑をいい渡す: hand someone __-and-a-half-year sentence for the killing〔人に〕 懲役_年以下の判決を受ける: face a maximum sentence of __ years _年以下の懲役が課せられる: be sentenced to a prison term of up to __ years _年以下の懲役に処せられる: be jailed for up to __ years _年以下の懲役処分を受ける: punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than __ years 懲役_年を被告に言い渡す: sentence the defendant to __ years in jail 1年以下の懲役: imprisonment of up to one year 終身刑を言い渡す: give someone life〔人に〕 対しスパイ罪で懲役_年の判決を言い渡す: sentence someone to __ years in prison for spying〔人に〕