1. be sentenced to __ years in prison 2. be sentenced to __ years penal servitude
懲役_年執行猶予_年の判決を受ける: 1. be sentenced to __ years in prison with __ years suspension of sentence 2. be sentenced to __ years in prison with probation of __ years 関して懲役_年の判決を受ける: receive a __-year prison sentence for〔~に〕 最高で_年の判決を受ける: carry a maximum __-year sentence〔罪状が〕 無期懲役の判決を受ける: 1. be sentenced to life in prison 2. get life imprisonment 懲役_年以下の判決を受ける: face a maximum sentence of __ years 懲役_年の実刑判決を受ける: get __ years in prison 懲役_年の判決: __-year prison sentence 懲役刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to jail terms of〔~の〕 有罪の判決を受ける: 1. be condemned 2. take a fall〈警察用語〉 _年の執行猶予付き死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death with a __ year reprieve 禁固15年の判決を受ける可能性のある重罪: felony punishable by __ years imprisonment 判決を受ける: get a sentence 執行猶予付きの懲役_年の判決を言い渡される: be handed a suspended __-year prison term 対しスパイ罪で懲役_年の判決を言い渡す: sentence someone to __ years in prison for spying〔人に〕 裁判官が自分に懲役_年の判決を下すのを聞く: listen to a judge sentence one to __ years in prison