急場をしのぐ: 急場をしのぐ v. step into the breach ;fill [fix] the breach ;throw [fling] oneself into the breach 急場をしのぐ, 難局を乗り切る, (人を)危機から救う. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 急場)
急場をしのぐのに役立つ: 1. pull one through a difficulty 2. tide one over a crisis
急場をしのぐ金がいる: need money to tide over an emergency
短期的に急場をしのぐ: short-term ability to get by
さまざまな工夫をして急場をしのぐ: make various devices to weather the emergency
言って何とか急場をしのぐ: managed to keep one's message ambiguous for the moment by saying〔~と〕
急場をしのがせる: tide someone over a temporary difficulty〔人に〕
急場をしのぐことならおてのものである: be facile in expedients
打撃をしのぐ手だてを求める: seek a way to survive a blow
痛手をしのぐ手だてを求める: seek a way to survive a blow
力をしのぐ: exceed someone's strength〔人の〕
雨をしのぐ: keep out the rain
手作業でない仕事: nonmanual work
手作業での~の捜索: hand-to-hand searching for
手作業で行われる: be carried out by hand