although such structure is unusual , along with the urokoita , the structure doesn ' t show an irrationality; rather , it manifests extraordinary skills of urakusai , who is said to have been ' a special tea practitioner other than the seven disciples of rikyu .' 鱗板とともに異例の構成であるが不合理性は感じられず、「利休七哲とは別格」といわれる有楽斎の並々ならぬ技量を示す。
君の技量を示すまたとない機会だ: Now you have a rare [golden] opportunity [chance] to show your skill. 力量を示す: 1. prove oneself 2. show one's paces 度量を示す: show tolerance 含有量を示す: 【自動】 assay 相対量を示す: indicate the relative level of〔~の〕 技量を測る: measure someone's ability〔人の〕 技量を磨く: 1. develop one's skill (in) 2. improve one's skill (in) 3. work up〔~の〕 技量を試す: put ~ through someone's paces〔人?動物?車などの〕 自分の力量を示す 1: 1. go through one's paces 2. prove himself 自分の力量を示す 2 prove oneself to〔人に〕 技量を見せる: exhibit someone's prowess〔人の〕 技量を認める: recognize someone's ability 技量を向上させる: improve the skills of〔~の〕 技量を披露する: exhibit someone's prowess〔人の〕 技量を発揮する: demonstrate one's prowess 技量を身に付ける: acquire the skills of〔~の〕