- conduct thorough investigations into the abduction issue
徹底調査を行う 1: 1. conduct exhaustive search 2. do a thorough investigation 徹底調査を行う 2 conduct a sweeping investigation of〔~の〕
関し徹底的な調査研究を行う: conduct a thorough fact-finding study on〔~に〕
拉致問題に関し柔軟姿勢を取る: take a soft line on the kidnapping issue
dna検査などさらなる徹底調査を行う: make further probes, including DNA testing
徹底調査を命じる: order full investigation into〔~について〕
徹底調査を終える: wrap up one's probe
徹底調査を考える: consider an overhaul of〔~の〕
状況に関して少し調査を行う: do some surveys on the situation in〔~の〕
特定の問題に答えるべく調査を行う: make [conduct, carry out] a study to answer a specific question
徹底した事件調査を行う: carry out a thorough investigation into the case
徹底した内部調査を行う: perform a thorough internal survey
徹底した調査を行う: 1. carry out a thorough investigation 2. make a thorough investigation
徹底的な再調査を行う: conduct a thorough review of〔~の〕
徹底的な調査を行う: conduct an exhaustive investigation
関して内部調査を行う: hold an internal inquiry into〔~に〕