- do some surveys on the situation in〔~の〕
関して内部調査を行う: hold an internal inquiry into〔~に〕
状況に関し意見交換を行う: exchange views on the situation in〔~の〕
拉致問題に関し徹底調査を行う: conduct thorough investigations into the abduction issue
調査中の刑事事件に関して審問を行う: conduct an inquest on a criminal matter under investigation by〔人が〕
死に関する調査を行う: conduct an inquest into the death of〔人の〕
調査を行う 1: 1. conduct a research 2. conduct a survey 3. conduct search 4. conduct the study 5. institute a survey 6. make an inquiry 7. prosecute an inquiry 8. prosecute one's inquiries 調査を行う 2 make a researc
施策の推進状況の調査を行う: investigate the progress of measures
診断を確定するために尿の検体に関して臨床検査を行う: perform laboratory tests on urine specimens to confirm the diagnosis
価格に関して少し譲歩してもかまいません: I might yield a bit on price.
少し調査する: do a bit of research on〔~について〕
ウェブ調査を行う: conduct web research
世論調査を行う 1: 1. carry out a poll 2. conduct [take] a public opinion poll 3. conduct a poll 4. organize a poll 世論調査を行う 2 conduct [make] a public opinion survey (on)〔~に関する〕
予備調査を行う: conduct a feasibility study
交通調査を行う: take a traffic census
企業化調査を行う: do a feasibility study