- come back empty handed on the abduction issue
拉致問題の対処: handling of the kidnapping issue
拉致問題の解決: resolution of the abduction issue
すぐに帰国する: return to one's country immediately
無事に帰国する: be safely back at home base
拉致問題の真相を究明する: get to the bottom of the abduction issue
拉致問題の解決を模索する: seek the resolution of the abduction issue
拉致問題の全面解決: total resolution of the abduction issues
拉致問題の解決よりも外交関係樹立を優先する: put establishing diplomatic relations above the resolution of the abduction issue
拉致問題を担当する: be in charge of the abduction issue
拉致問題を解決する: 1. resolve the kidnapping problem 2. settle the abduction issue 3. solve the abduction issue
帰国する 1: 1. come home 2. fly back home 3. go back to one's own country 4. go home 5. return to one's country 6. return to one's homeland 帰国する 2 【動】 return home
拉致問題の一部始終を語る: come clean on the abductions issue
問題の進展を妨げる: impede progress on the problem of〔~の〕
アメリカに帰国する準備をする: prepare to return to the United States
代表団に帰国するよう指示する: instruct the delegation to return home