- speak quietly into a loudspeaker
静かに話す: 1. speak softly 2. talk quietly
拡声器を使って静かにするよう呼び掛ける: use a loud speaker to call for calm
拡声器: 拡声器 かくせいき megaphone bullhorn loudhailer
拡声器を使って: 1. by means of a loudspeaker system 2. over the loudspeaker
受話器に向かってがなる: bellow into the phone
受話器に向かってわめく: shout into the receiver
受話器に向かって叫ぶ: 1. exclaim into the phone 2. shout into the receiver
受話器に向かって怒鳴る: 1. bellow into the phone 2. shout at the mouthpiece
拡声器装置を使って: by means of a loudspeaker system
拡声器によるアナウンスを聞く: hear an announcement over the loudspeaker
低音拡声器: 低音拡声器 woofer[電情]
圧電拡声器: 圧電拡声器 piezo-electric loudspeaker[電情]
拡声器騒音: 拡声器騒音 noise from loudspeaker
磁気拡声器: 磁気拡声器 magnetic loudspeaker[電情]; magnetic speaker[電情]
高音拡声器: 高音拡声器 tweeter[電情]