- speak quietly into a loudspeaker
- 静か 静か しずか quiet peaceful
- かに かに 蟹 crab
- 話す 話す はなす to speak
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 拡声器 拡声器 かくせいき megaphone bullhorn loudhailer
- かって かって 曾て once before formerly ever former ex- never (with negative verb) 勝手
- 静かに話す 1. speak softly 2. talk quietly
- 静かに話す 1. speak softly 2. talk quietly
- 拡声器を使って静かにするよう呼び掛ける use a loud speaker to call for calm
- 拡声器 拡声器 かくせいき megaphone bullhorn loudhailer
- 拡声器を使って 1. by means of a loudspeaker system 2. over the loudspeaker
- 受話器に向かってがなる bellow into the phone
- 受話器に向かってわめく shout into the receiver
- 受話器に向かって叫ぶ 1. exclaim into the phone 2. shout into the receiver
- 受話器に向かって怒鳴る 1. bellow into the phone 2. shout at the mouthpiece