提案を数多く盛り込む: contain many proposals for〔~のための〕 候補となる代替日をたくさん提案する: give a number of alternative dates 余分な仕事をたくさんしょい込む: let oneself in for a lot of extra work 解決できない問題をたくさん抱え込む: have more problems than solutions 肺にたくさん空気を送り込む: take lots of air into one's lung〔両方の肺の場合は複数形の lungs を用いる〕 水をたくさん飲む: drink lots of water たくさん詰め込む: be densely packed into packages …に盛り込む: incorporate ~ in [into]〔~を〕 盛り込む: 盛り込む もりこむ to incorporate to include 盛り込む 1: 【他動】 1. include 2. incorporate 3. insert 盛り込む 2 build in〔条件などを〕 お金をたくさん稼ぐ: earn heaps of money ご飯をたくさん食べる: eat a butt-load of rice コーヒーをたくさん飲む: drink a lot of coffee ソニー株をたくさん買う: shovel money into Sony share チケットをたくさん売る: sell many tickets