- Cellular phones have filled the streets with half-conversations.
携帯電話の普及: 1. diffusion of cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones] 2. spread of cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones]
携帯電話の普及率: cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] penetration rate
携帯電話の呼び出し音が聞こえる: hear the beep of one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)]
私には大きな音しか聞こえない。: I can only hear loud noises.
私には~のようにしか聞こえない: Sounds [It sounds] to me like
携帯電話の着信音が鳴っているのが聞こえる: hear one's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] ringing
携帯電話の: 【形】 cellular
カメラ付き携帯電話のけしからぬ使い方: outrageous misuse of camera-equipped cell-phones [cellular phones, mobile-phones]
辺り一面しんとして、自分の呼吸[息遣い]しか聞こえない。: All around is an absolute silence, broken only by my breathing.
ゴミを捨てろ。そこらじゅうゴミだらけだろ?必要ないものは全部捨てろ!: OK. Throw the trash away. See the trash all over? Throw away anything you don't need!
叫び声が聞こえるか聞こえないかのところに: far cry from〔~から〕
携帯電話の会話を傍受する: eavesdrop on cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] conversations
そこら中: just about everywhere
携帯電話のマナー: cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] manner
携帯電話の乱用: cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] abuse