政府の役割を見直す: 1. rethink the role of government 2. take a new look at the roles of the administration odaの役割を見直す: review the role of ODA 高等教育の役割を見直す: review the role of institutions of higher education 中央政府の役割を高める: increase the central government's role 政府の役割を制限する: discredit of the capacity of governments 政府の役割を変える: change the role of government 政府の役割を強調する: underscore the role of government in〔~における〕 国と地方それぞれの役割を見直す: review the respective roles of the national and local governments 社会における女性の役割を見直す: redefine the role of women in society 社会における男性の役割を見直す: redefine the role of men in society 紛争解決における国連の役割を見直す: bring UN conflict resolution roles under review 役割を見直す 1: review one's roles 役割を見直す 2 rethink the role of〔~の〕 政府の中でそこそこの役割を演じる: take a modest role in government 中央政府の役割: central government's role 子供を総合的に育成する: educate the whole child