- remain in a deep coma longer than a few weeks
深い昏睡: deep coma《医》
_週間以上続く: 1. last a minimum of __ weeks 2. persist longer than __ weeks
数週間続く: last up to several weeks
1週間以上続く喀血: hemoptysis of more than one week's duration
数週間以内に: within weeks
1週間以上: 1. above a week 2. for a week or more
続く数週間で: in the ensuing weeks
最も深い昏睡段階で: in the deepest stages of a coma
深い昏睡状態に陥る: 1. fall into a deep swoon 2. fall into a deep trance 3. slip into a deep narcosis
数時間以上続く: last more than a few hours
~の1週間以上後に: greater than one week after
数日から数週間続く: last from a few days to several weeks
数週間: 1. for several weeks 2. several weeks
1~2週間以上にわたって: for more than a few weeks
後数日から1週間以上: several days to a week or more after〔~の〕