- Matters went on very smoothly for some weeks, but then….
開会式が順調に進行したことをご報告致します: We are pleased to tell you that the opening ceremony went very smoothly.
順調に進むこと: clear sailing〔物事が〕
まことに結構だが: all very fine [well] (and large [dandy])
順調に進む: 順調に進む v. go on (oiled) wheels (見出しへ戻る headword ? 順調)
十分に進行した: 【形】 fully-processed
順調に進む 1: 1. bounce along 2. bum along 3. go fine [all right] 4. go smoothly 5. go strong 6. go very smoothly 7. go very well 8. have smooth sailing 9. make strides 10. never look back 11. progress favorably
とって順調に進む: go well for〔人に〕
事が順調に進んで: 事が順調に進んで adv. in due course (見出しへ戻る headword ? 順調)
向けて順調に進む: make strides toward〔~に〕
順調に進ませる: make ~ a breeze〔~を〕
順調に進んで 1: 1. in train 2. well away 順調に進んで 2 on one's way to〔~へ〕 順調に進んで 3 on track〔事業などが〕
順調に進んでいく: chug along〔経済などが〕
順調に進展する: make good progress
やがて(人)を~に導くことになる: lead someone eventually to
まことに: まことに 真に truly actually really 誠に indeed really absolutely