- be fully prepared to engage the enemy
準備万端整った候補者: candidate who is fully prepared
準備万端整った志望者: candidate who is fully prepared
準備万端整った志願者: candidate who is fully prepared
テロを迎え撃つ: counter terrorism
準備万端整って: 1. all teed up 2. at concert pitch 3. be completely arranged
用意万端整った: Everything is ready [in readiness].
準備万端整っている: 1. be put in train 2. be wired for sound 3. game for anything 4. loaded for bear
迎え撃つ: 迎え撃つ むかえうつ to ambush to attack to meet the enemy
敵のキャンプを攻撃する準備は万端だ: We are all set to attack the enemy camp.
旅行は準備万端整っております: All is set for your travel to〔~へのご〕
準備万端整える 1: keep one's powder dry 準備万端整える 2 1. get ~ in order 2. put ~ in train〔~を〕
客を迎える準備がすべて整っている: have everything ready for the guests
邀え撃つ: 邀え撃つ むかえうつ to ambush to assault
すべて準備万端に整って: in place
準備はもう整っている。: They've got in position now.