親しい付き合いをする: have [enjoy] a friendly association
親しい付き合いを続ける: maintain close contact with〔人と〕
親しい付き合い: 1. commensality 2. friendly association
付き合いを始めた当初から: from the very start of one's association with〔人と〕
付き合い始める 1: 1. start dating 2. start seeing each other 3. start to go out 付き合い始める 2 start going out (with)〔人と〕
殴り合いを始める: 1. fall [get, go] to loggerheads 2. fall to blows 3. go to cuffs 4. start a fistfight
付き合いをやめる: 1. have a falling out 2. part company
付き合いを深める: develop a cordial relationship with〔~との〕
末永い付き合いをする: build a longer-term relationship
長い付き合いを考慮して: in view of the long relationship
長い付き合い: long-term relationship (with)〔人との〕
これから一層親しい付き合いを期待する: look forward to an even closer relationship from now on
再び付き合い始める: renew one's association with〔人と〕
腹の探り合いを始める: begin efforts to probe the intentions of others
話し合いを始める 1: initiate a talk 話し合いを始める 2 engineer some powwow about〔~について〕 話し合いを始める 3 initiate a discussion of〔~についての〕