Each new employee will serve a three month probationary period.《就業規則》
試験採用期間: 1. probationary employment period 2. probationary period 新規採用する: add to a payroll 新規採用: 1. accession number 2. fresh hiring 3. new hiring 昇級を確定する前に、昇級候補者の適性を判断するために試験採用期間を設ける場合がある: There may be a period of probation in order to establish the suitability of the candidate before the promotion is confirmed.《就業規則》 新規採用隊員: chargeable accessions 従業員が試験採用期間を問題なく完了したとき、companyは本採用を決定し、確認書を発行する: After completing a successful probationary period, the employee will receive written confirmation that he/she has been enrolled as a permanent member of COMPANY.《就業規則》 本採用前の試用期間: preemployment 新規採用の大卒者: newly-hired university graduate 新規採用の手続き: recruiting procedure 新規採用の抑制: curbing new hires 仮採用期間で: on probation 試験採用期間を経過した従業員には、長期病気欠勤の期間中、以下の給与を支払う: Employee who have completed the probationary period will be entitled to salary payment during a long-term medical absence.《就業規則》 _年の仮採用期間: years on probation 新規採用のエンジニア: newly-employed engineer 試験採用期間中、companyおよび従業員の両者は事前に通知することなく雇用契約を終了させることができる: During the probationary period both COMPANY and the employee are entitled to terminate the employment relationships at any time without prior notice.《就業規則》