The system of recruiting only from specified schools is an example of open discrimination in employment practices.
厳然たる差別: severe distinction 新規採用の大卒者: newly-hired university graduate 新規採用の手続き: recruiting procedure 新規採用の抑制: curbing new hires 雇用上の差別: discrimination in employment 公然たる人種差別: in-your-face racism 新規採用: 1. accession number 2. fresh hiring 3. new hiring 新規採用のエンジニア: newly-employed engineer 新規採用する: add to a payroll 新規採用隊員: chargeable accessions 公然たる: 公然たる こうぜんたる open public official overt 人種による雇用上の差別: racial discrimination in employment 公然たる争い: public quarrel 公然たる反対: overt opposition 公然たる反抗: open defiance