The mountains turned a dusky gray color at sunset.
ここは薄暗い: It's gloomy in here. 暗い灰色がかった青: teal blue 赤色の沈殿が形成されると同時に黒色に変わった: It turned black concomitantly with formation of a red precipitate. 柿は熟れるにつれ、オレンジ色に変わった: The persimmons turned orange as they grew ripe. 灰色から蒼白に変わって: turn from gray to white〔顔が〕 日が落ちて: with the sun down 味が落ちる: 1. become tasteless 2. deteriorate in flavor 3. lose flavor 4. lose taste 肉が落ちる: lose flesh 腕が落ちる: lose one's touch〔練習をサボるなどして〕 葉が落ちる: 1. be stripped of leaves 2. leaves fall 話が落ちる: talk gets dirty 質が落ちる: 1. go off 2. inferior in quality 雪が雨に変わった。: The snow changed to rain. 僕たちは、日が落ちるまで遊んでいた: We were playing till [until] the cows came home. この建物の照明は薄暗い: The illumination in this building is dim.