- sell a significant number of cars in Japan
日本でアメリカ車を販売する: sell American cars in Japan
かなりの数の~: 1. a significant number of 2. quite a few of かなりの数の 1 1. a bunch of 2. a fairly good number of 3. a very significant number of 4. astounding number of 5. quite a lot [number] of 6. small armies [a
かなりの数の 1: 1. a bunch of 2. a fairly good number of 3. a very significant number of 4. astounding number of 5. quite a lot [number] of 6. small armies [a small army] of かなりの数の 2 【形】 quite a few〔 【反】 just a
かなりの数の人々: significant number of people
かなりの数の反対: sizable opposition
かなりの数の学生: a considerable number of students
かなりの数の移民: good percentage of the immigrants
かなりの数の軍隊: good-sized army
19_年モデルの車種を販売する: sell its 19__ model-year cars
商品を販売する: 1. market one's products 2. sell a commodity
商品名で~を販売する: market ~ under the trade name (of)〔…の〕
点字版を販売する: market a Braille version of〔~の〕
かなりの数: 1. a good number 2. considerable 3. quite a few 4. wheen
当社[わが社]の主眼は日本ではなく、中国で車を売る[販売する]ことだ。: The focus of our company is not selling cars in Japan, it's selling cars in China.
極めて少数の人たちに数少ない製品を販売する: sell a few products to a very few people