It's very difficult to get into Japan to sell cars here.
日本市場に参入する: enter the Japanese market 私にとって、金を稼ぐことは非常に困難だ。: It's such a struggle for me to make money. 何かを買いたい人と何かを売りたい人がいたら、その売買を阻止することは非常に困難だ。: If people want to buy something and other people want to sell something, you're hard-pressed to stop them. 当社[わが社]が日本市場に参入しないなどというつもりは毛頭ない。: I can't imagine us ever not participating in the Japanese market. 技術的に非常に困難だ: be very difficult technically 市場に(出て[参入して]): in the market 当社[わが社]の主眼は日本ではなく、中国で車を売る[販売する]ことだ。: The focus of our company is not selling cars in Japan, it's selling cars in China. 市場に参入する 1: 1. break into the market 2. come into a market 3. gain access to the market 4. move into a market 市場に参入する 2 1. come to market with 2. market with〔~で〕 非常に困難: mega conditionality 何社もの小企業がその市場に参入している。: There are many small players who are into the market. 最後発として~市場に参入する: finally put a ~ product on the market ついに~市場に参入する: finally put a ~ product on the market ニッチ市場に参入する: enter a niche market パソコン市場に参入する: get into the PC market 労働市場に参入する: enter the labor market