- urge ~ to speed ratification〔~に〕
ctbtの早期批准を促す: urge the ratification of the CTBT
早期批准を求める: call for an early ratification of〔~の〕
早期批准を目指す: aim for the early entry into force of〔~の〕
早期批准を働きかける: promote early ratification
早期批准: early ratification
批准を待つ: await ratification
批准を拒む: refuse the ratification of〔~の〕
早期批准に向けて準備を行う: prepare for early ratification of〔~の〕
批准を必要とする: be subject to ratification
批准を承認する: approve the ratification of〔~の〕
批准を目的とする: aim at the ratification of〔~の〕
~を促す: prompt someone to〔人に〕
条約の批准を支持する: support ratification of the treaty
条約の批准を求める: demand ratification of treaties
便意を促す: cause an urge to defecate