The efforts he has made to obtain the support of ordinary people are especially commendable.
人々の支持を得る: have popular support 称賛に値する努力: praiseworthy effort ますます多くの支持を得るために: in order to attract more and more support ~するために積み重ねてきた努力に感動する: be impressed by the efforts made by someone to〔人が〕 ~するために積み重ねてきた努力に感心する: be impressed by the efforts made by someone to〔人が〕 地域社会の人々の支持を得て: with the support of people in the community ~するために積み重ねてきた努力に感銘を受ける: be impressed by the efforts made by someone to〔人が〕 称賛に値する 1: 1. be deserving of praise 2. deserve a pat on the back 3. deserve admiration 4. merit praise 称賛に値する 2 【形】 1. admirable 2. commendable 3. creditable 4. exemplary 5. laudable 6. meritorious 7. prai称賛に値すること: creditability 称賛に値するほど: 【副】 laudably 称賛に値する偉業: truly admirable achievement 称賛に値する性格: creditable character 称賛に値する性質: 1. commendableness 2. praiseworthiness 称賛に値する映画: admirable movie called〔~という〕 称賛に値する本: book worthy of applause