- distinguish oneself as one of the brightest students
同世代の中で最も優れた俳優として頭角を現す: emerge as the finest actor of one's generation
抜け目ない商売人として頭角を現す: emerge as the wily horse traders
頭角を現す: 頭角を現す v. rear one's head ; cut [make] a figure. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 頭角)
最も優秀な学生が、最も賢い人間とは限らない。: The greatest clerks are not the wisest men.
優秀な学生: 1. excellent student 2. five pointer 3. four pointer
頭角を現す 1: 1. come to the front [fore] 2. cut a brilliant [conspicuous, fine, good] figure 3. distinguish oneself 4. make a conspicuous figure 5. make one's mark 6. prove oneself 7. rear one's head 8. stand ou
彼はこっそり勉強して頭角を現すようになることを願った: He hoped that studying in secret would allow him to come in from the cold.
突然頭角を現す: come out of nowhere
全国の優秀な学生: bright students across the nation
成績優秀な学生: high-achieving students
最も優秀な人々: 1. best people 2. people who make up the cream of the crop
適切な経済基盤を備えた企業が、国際経済において頭角を現すだろう。: The companies with the proper infrastructure will flourish in the global economy.
優秀な学生を援助する: provide an aid for deserving students
優秀な学生を支援する: provide an aid for deserving students
世界中で最も優秀な役者: the world's greatest performer