最後にビールを飲んだのはいつですか?: When did you last drink beer? 最後に東京に来たのはいつですか?: When was the last time you were in Tokyo? 医者に行ったらどうですか?: How about if you go see a doctor. 初めてたばこを吸ったのはいつですか?: When did you smoke your first cigarette? トミー、最後にお風呂入ったのはいつだ?: Tommy. When was the last time you took a bath? 最後に彼女に会ったのはいつ?: When did you see her last? / When did you last see her? 私は昨日、医者に行った: I went to see the doctor yesterday. 医者にかかって 1: 1. under (medical) treatment 2. under (the care of) a doctor〈英〉 医者にかかって 2 under the doctor (for)〔~で〕 傷が治らないので、私はまた病院に行った: My wound did not heal, so I visited the hospital again. 彼はドアで額を打って、病院に行った: He hit his forehead on door and went to the hospital. 美容院に行った。: I went to a beauty shop. 退院はいつですか: When are you being released? どこに行ったのですか?: Where did you go? お酒を飲み始めたのはいつですか?: When did you start drinking alcohol? ここで働き始めたのはいつですか。: When did you begin working here?