- lack the support of the majority of voters
有権者の大多数の理解に欠ける: lack the understanding of the majority of voters
有権者の大多数: majority of voters
有権者の支持: voter support
大多数の有権者にとって: for the majority of voters
有権者の支持率: voter preference for the candidates
国民の大多数の支持を得る: 1. have the support of the majority of one's people 2. win the support of the majority of the people
有権者の支持を求める: court the approval of voters
有権者の支持を競う: compete in winning the support of the voters〔政治家が〕
有権者の支持を集める: 1. drum up voter support 2. rally support from constituents
多数の支持: considerable support
大多数の国家の支持を得る: have the support of a majority of nations
大多数の国民からの支持を得る: receive the support of a majority of the population
科学者の大多数: most of the scientific community
有権者のうち中流層の支持が薄い: have a weak following in the middle-class electorate
有権者の支持を回復させる: revive voter support