- 1. have the support of the majority of one's people
2. win the support of the majority of the people
多数の国民の支持を得る: win the support of many people
大多数の国民からの支持を得る: receive the support of a majority of the population
多数の支持を得る: gain support from a majority
大多数の国家の支持を得る: have the support of a majority of nations
国民の支持を得る 1: 1. enjoy the backing of the majority of the population 2. win public support 3. win the public's support 国民の支持を得る 2 win over public support for〔~に〕
対する国民の支持を得る: win national support for〔~に〕
広く国民の支持を得る: enjoy wide public support
多数の国民の支持を獲得する: enjoy substantial public support
過半数の支持を得る: command support of a majority of〔~の〕
国民の理解と支持を得る: receive the understanding and support of the people
国民投票で_%の支持を得る: win a __% of votes in a referendum
改革イメージを先行させて国民の支持を得る: win the support of the people by playing up its reformist image
多数の支持を呼ぶ: attract considerable support
国民の大多数の意見を知る: test the domestic consensus about〔~についての〕
国民の大多数の意見を試す: test the domestic consensus about〔~についての〕