関して未解決の問題がある: have one's hang-ups about〔~に〕 未解決の問題: 1. dangle 2. moot point 3. open issue 4. open question 5. outstanding issue 6. problems still outstanding 7. standing problems 8. unresolved issue 9. unresolved problem 10. unresolved question 11. u未解決の問題点: point in dispute 長く未解決の問題: longstanding problem 徹底的に議論する必要のある、未解決の問題がたくさんある: There are many unresolved issues which need to be thrashed out. 未解決の問題を解決する: resolve the remaining issues 外交面で未解決の問題が山積した状態で: with an accumulation of unsolved problems on the diplomatic front 未解決の問題の山積: in-tray ranging out of control 未解決の問題を片付ける: do in-tray まさにそこに問題があるのです。: There is the problem right there. 根深い問題が数多く未解決のままである: leave unresolved a host of deep-seated problems 数多くの未解決問題がある: face a host of unresolved problems 問題があるの?: Is there a problem? 多くの問題がある: be riddled with problems 飲酒の問題がある: have a drinking problem