distinguish what one really needs from what one thinks one needs
本当に必要なもの: true necessity 体に必要なものを取る: give one's body what it needs 体に必要なものを食べる: give one's body what it needs 家族に必要なものを買う: buy things one's family needs 自分のものと他人のものを区別する: differentiate between what belongs to one and what belongs to others 盛大なものとするために必要な手配: arrangement necessary to make ~ a most outstanding occasion〔~を〕 盛大なものとするために必要な準備: arrangement necessary to make ~ a most outstanding occasion〔~を〕 外泊するのに必要なものを取って来る: get some of someone's things so someone can stay〔人が〕 家族に必要なものを購入する: buy things one's family needs まさに必要なもの: 1. exactly what I need 2. just the job 3. just what the doctor ordered 4. what the doctor ordered 存続に必要なもの: substance that is essential for one's survival 戦時に必要なもの: wartime needs 生存に必要なもの: substance that is essential for one's survival 登録に必要なもの: registration requirements 絶対に必要なもの: vital necessity