木の枝を切り取る: hew away a branch 枝を切り取る〔木の〕: 【他動】 disbranch 木の枝をばっさりと切る: 木の枝をばっさりと切る v. chop a branch off a tree (見出しへ戻る headword ? ばっさり) 草木の芯を切る: head a plant 枝を払う〔木の〕: 【他動】 disbranch 切る〔木や枝を〕: 【自動】 lop のこぎりで木のてっぺんを切る: saw off the tops of the tree 枝を切り取る: lop off a bough 枝を切り払う: chop off the branches 木の枝をへし折る: break a branch off a tree 木の枝を下ろす: 1. lop a tree 2. trim off the branches of a tree 木の枝を刈り取る: trim the branches on a tree 木の枝を透かす: thin the branches of a tree 枝を切り落とす: lop off a branch 枯れ枝を切り取る: prune off dead branches