They have these couches that you can lounge on and stay the night.
横になってくつろぐ: lie back and relax ソファにくつろいで座る: sprawl out on a sofa 中に入ってくつろいで: Come in. Get comfy. その書店には、就職やレジャーなどのいろいろな情報誌が置いてある: That bookstore has a lot of different informational magazines such as for job searching and leisure. その店には、面白いお土産物が置いてある。: The shop has interesting souvenirs. 初めて他人が家に入ってくるとき、皆遠慮してるよね。でもすぐくつろいでくれるけど: When people come into the house for the first time, they always behave with the attitude of reserve. But they make themselves comfortable soon. 優雅な家具が置いてある: be furnished with elegance 日本の酒が置いてある: have Japanese liquor 日本酒が置いてあるぞ。: They have Japanese liquor.《旅/食事》 人の部屋で、何くつろいでるのよ: What's the big idea lounging in my room? くつろいで 1: 1. at a relaxed state 2. at ease 3. at home 4. at one's ease 5. in a relaxed manner 6. in a relaxed mood 7. in one's slippers 8. in the cut 9. in the rough 10. without ceremony くつろいで 2 【副】 1. cozとても爽やかな気分になってくつろぐ: feel (oneself) quite refreshed and relaxed 長いすの上に目を閉じてくつろいだ姿勢で横になる: lie in a relaxed position with eyes closed on the couch 意のままになって: 1. under someone's foot 2. under someone's thumb〔人の〕 私がまだ小さかったころは、たぶん6カ月に1回くらい学校に歯科衛生士が来て、そこで1本でも虫歯があるということになると、お子さんを歯医者に連れていったほうがいいでしょうって書いてある通知が、両親あてに送られるのよね。: When I was younger, maybe about once every six months, a dental hygienist would come to the school, and if they thought you had any cavities, then there would be a note sent to your parents saying t