His fortunes in the company rose as he headed one successful project after another.
この会社に在職中の20年間、彼は数多くの成功したプロジェクトの指揮を取った: He headed many successful projects during his twenty-year tenure in this company. 彼は正々堂々と行動して、会社で成功した: He played the game well and succeeded in the company. 指揮を取る: 【自動】 quarterback 年を取るにつれて 1: 1. as you get older 2. with advancing age 年を取るにつれて 2 1. as someone approaches senility 2. as someone continues to age 3. as someone gets [becomes] older〔人が〕 年を取るにつれて高まる: increase as one grows older〔危険性などが〕 成功した宇宙計画: successful space program 年を取るにつれて物事を学んでいく: learn things as we get older 彼は歳を取るにつれて意地悪くなった: He has become meaner as they get older. 下落した株は上昇した株の2倍だった: Declines outpaced advances about 2 to 1. 猛烈な指揮を取る: set a frenetic pace 陣頭指揮を取る: 1. issue instructions to one's staff 2. lead one's men 年を取るにつれ進行する: develop with increasing age 上昇した状態: elevated state 上昇した脳圧: elevated pressure in the brain 成功した: 【形】 1. successful 2. thrived 3. triumphant