歯を食い縛って襲ってくる苦痛をこらえる: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って襲ってくる痛みに耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って迫り来る苦痛に耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って襲ってくる痛みをこらえる: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って迫り来る痛みに耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って迫り来る苦痛をこらえる: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って迫り来る痛みをこらえる: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って最後の言葉を口にする: force the final words through clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って最後の言葉を残す: force the final words through clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って最後の言葉を発する: force the final words through clenched teeth 歯を食い縛って最後の言葉を言う: force the final words through clenched teeth 歯を食いしばって耐える: bite the bullet〔 【語源】 開拓時代に麻酔なしの手術で患者に弾丸をかませて痛みをこらえさせたことから〕 苦痛に耐える: 1. bear the pain 2. bear up under the pain 3. clench one's teeth 4. endure pain 5. take (one's) punishment 精神的苦痛に耐える: overcome a spiritual pain 苦痛に耐える方法を学ぶ: learn how to live through the pain