肉体的かつ精神的苦痛に耐える: endure physical and emotional pain 苦痛に耐える: 1. bear the pain 2. bear up under the pain 3. clench one's teeth 4. endure pain 5. take (one's) punishment 精神的苦痛: 精神的苦痛 せいしんてきくつう mental anguish 苦痛に耐える方法を学ぶ: learn how to live through the pain 精神的苦痛を与えること: infliction of emotional distress 家族に負わせている精神的苦痛に気付く: realize the trauma that one is putting one's family through 歯を食い縛って迫り来る苦痛に耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 著しい精神的苦痛を与える: cause someone great mental anguish〔人に〕 歯を食い縛って襲ってくる苦痛に耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth 精神的苦痛をもたらす: cause psychological suffering 精神的苦痛を克服する: overcome a spiritual pain 精神的苦痛を受ける: suffer mental distress 精神的苦痛を軽減する: lower psychological distress 精神的な苦痛に悩む: suffer mental anguish 苦痛にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose]