大打撃にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 屈辱にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 痛撃にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 苦境にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 苦難にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 逆境にじっと耐える: take it on the chin [nose] じっと耐える: exercise [show] great patience 重荷をじっと耐える: patiently bear burdens 苦痛に耐える: 1. bear the pain 2. bear up under the pain 3. clench one's teeth 4. endure pain 5. take (one's) punishment じっと耐え忍ぶ: 1. suffer with patience 2. take ~ (right) on the chin じっと~に耐える: sweat out 精神的苦痛に耐える: overcome a spiritual pain 苦痛に断固として耐える: take it on the chin [nose] 苦痛に耐える方法を学ぶ: learn how to live through the pain 歯を食い縛って迫り来る苦痛に耐える: bear the brunt of the pain with clenched teeth