- feel completely at ease with〔~で〕
融け込む: 融け込む とけこむ to melt into
土地の人の日常の暮らしに融け込む: blend in with the community's normal routine
最低まで気分が落ち込む: feel at one's lowest
つけ込む 1: 1. cash in 2. play the dozens つけ込む 2 【自動】 1. impose 2. presume 3. wolf〈俗〉 つけ込む 3 【他動】 1. bugger 2. capitalize つけ込む 4 trespass on〔好意などに〕 つけ込む 5 put it over on〔人に〕
に付け込む: pander to〔人の欲望など〕
付け込む: 付け込む つけこむ to take advantage of to impose on to make an entry
付け込む 1: run over〔人に〕 付け込む 2 muck about [around]〈話〉〔人の不幸に〕
溶け込む: 溶け込む とけこむ to melt into
溶け込む 1: 1. blend in with 2. integrated into 3. melt in 4. run into〔~に〕 溶け込む 2 1. blend in to 2. fit in with〔~にうまく〕 溶け込む 3 fit in〔人?物が環境などに〕
漬け込む: 漬け込む つけこむ to pickle a large amount
老け込む: 老け込む ふけこむ to age to become old
解け込む: 解け込む とけこむ to melt into
駆け込む: 駆け込む かけこむ to rush in (at the last minute) to stampede
駆け込む 1: run in 駆け込む 2 1. run into 2. rush into 3. shoot into〔~に〕
駈け込む: dive to〔~に〕