Frequent and severe alternations in mood are characteristic of this disease.
気分が変わる: see things in a different light 激しく変わる: take a sharp turn 頻繁に政権が変わること: frequent changes of government 目の周りの白斑はその病気の特徴である: The white spots around the eyes are characteristic of the illness. 風が南向きに変わるのが分かった: I felt the wind swing round to the south. 感染症が頻繁に再発するのを予防する: prevent infections from recurring frequently 感染症が頻繁に再発するのを防ぐ: prevent infections from recurring frequently のどの痛みがこの病気の最も恒常的な症状です: Sore throat is the most constant symptom of this disease. 親しく交わるのを避ける: avoid fraternization 人間がこの病気にかかるのはまれである: The illness is rare in humans. 憂うつな気分に変わる: give way to depression 気分がコロコロ変わる: as changeable as a weathercock 正しく交わる: be honest with〔人と〕 親しく交わる: 1. be great friends 2. be on close terms 著しく良い方向に変わる: change remarkable for the positive