税制面での優遇措置: preferential treatment concerning taxes
学校での公的な人種差別を禁止する: outlaw official racial segregation in school
一方的な決定: 1. one-sided decision 2. unilateral decision
一時的な決定: temporary decision
合理的な決定: rational decision
国家的な決定: national decision
政略的な決定: politically-motivated decision
画期的な決定: 1. groundbreaking decision 2. landmark decision
短期的な決定: short-run determination
肯定的な決定: positive determination
日米間の規制面での障壁を取り除く: remove control barriers between Japan and the United States
日米間の規制面での参入障壁を取り除く: remove control barriers between Japan and the United States
関する自己中心的な決定: self-centered decisions on〔~に〕
上限で_ドルまでの公的資金援助を行う: hold out up to $__ in public funds
不利な決定: decision adverse to someone's interests〔人に〕