- criminally charge a product manufacturer in the death of a consumer
対して製造物責任を問う訴訟を起こす: file a product liability suit against〔~に〕
刑事責任を問う: press charges of criminal responsibility against〔~に〕
すべての製品に対して責任を負う: be responsible for all product lines
厳しく(人)の刑事責任を問う: severely punish someone for his criminal responsibilities
使用者は労働者に対し、債務不履行責任を問うことができる: Employer may have a claim to damages against the worker in respect of the failure to perform work obligations.
起きたことに対して全面的な責任を負う: take full responsibility for what happened
責任を問う 1: bring ~ to book〔~に〕 責任を問う 2 bring [call] someone to account (for)〔~に関して〕〔人に〕 責任を問う 3 bring [call] someone to account (for)〔~に関して〕〔人の〕 責任を問う 4 1. jack up 2. question the responsibility of〔~の〕 責任を問
消費者に対して自己責任の徹底を求める: require consumers to take full responsibility
同社は、この製品の潜在的な危険について消費者に知らせなかった。: The company didn't warn consumers of the potential hazards of this product.
対して決定的な責任を負う: bear the ultimate responsibility for〔~に〕
対し国際的な責任を負う: be internationally responsible for〔~に〕
営業責任を問う: question someone's business responsibility〔人の〕
責任を問う事実: stick to beat ~ with〔~の〕
直接手を下した加害者の責任を問う: hold the direct perpetrator to account
国際通貨システムに対し中心的な責任を果たす: carry out one's central responsibilities for the international monetary system