強い抵抗にもかかわらず: 1. against all odds 2. against the odds 強い抵抗にもかかわらず、彼らは何とか生き延びることができた: They managed to survive against all odds. 国会議員の抵抗にもかかわらず: despite resistance from lawmakers お忙しいにもかかわらず: despite your crowded schedule にもかかわらず: にもかかわらず にも拘らず in spite of nevertheless ~にもかかわらず 1: 1. even as 2. even though〔「実際に~だけれども」という譲歩を表す〕 3. for all 4. in (the) face of 5. in defiance of 6. in despite of 7. in spite of 8. in the teeth of 9. no thanks to 10. non obstante ~にもかかわらず 2 【接続】 ~にもかかわらず(although): 【接続】 albeit 激しい抵抗に合う: encounter stiff resistance 激しい抵抗に遭う: meet stiff resistance from〔~からの〕 厳しい確率にもかかわらず: against incredible odds 厳しい財政上の制限にもかかわらず: despite severe financial limitations 激しい雨にもかかわらず、チーム全員が練習試合に集まった: The whole team turned out for the practice game, even though it was raining heavily. …にもかかわらず~を決行する: do ~ in spite of この寒さにもかかわらず: in spite of this cold これにもかかわらず: for all this