煩雑な手続き: cumbersome procedure 複雑な役所の手続き: red-tape jungle 煩雑な手続きを省略する: cut through the red tape 役所の手続き: 1. bureaucratic procedures 2. official regulations 入所手続きを受ける: undergo the checking-in process 複雑な手続き: 1. complex procedure 2. complicated procedure お役所仕事的手続き: bureaucratic details ひどく複雑な手続き: ring-dang-do〈米俗〉 役所の手続きが遅れたため: due to bureaucratic delays 手続き: 手続き てつづき procedure (legal) process formalities 煩雑: 煩雑 はんざつ complex intricate complicated confused troublesome vexatious 煩雑な仕事を避ける: avoid troublesome chores 大学出願の複雑な手続きを、本書がお手伝いします。: This book helps you with the complicated process of applying to colleges. 事前に言っておくことで役所での形式的な手続きを回避する: circumvent red tape at city hall by having a word with〔人に〕 ビザ手続き: visa procedure