- After the dog bit him, he staggered home bleeding.
鼻から血を流しながら: blood rushing from one's nose
涙を流しながら: 1. as tears floods one's eyes 2. in tears 3. through one's tears 4. with tears in one's eyes
犬にかまれた跡: scar from a dog bite
お湯を流しながら洗う: wash with warm running water
涙を流しながら~を見る: 1. look out through tears at 2. watch ~ through one's tears
蛇口から水を流しながら: under a running faucet
犬にかまれる: 1. be bitten by a dog 2. get bit by a dog
よろよろ: よろよろ unsteady on its feet tottering
よろよろする: よろよろする v. *stagger |自| 【S】 (人などが)よろめく, ふらつく(about, around);〔…を〕よろよろ歩く〔along, down〕∥ The drunken man staggered across the street. その酔っ払いはよろよろしながら通りを横切った/ stagger to one's feetよろよろと立ち上がる reel |自|よろ
よろめきながら 1: 1. with an unsteady walk 2. with tottering steps 3. with unsteady gait [steps] よろめきながら 2 【副】 falteringly
涙を流しながら投げ続ける: continue pitching through one's tears
彼らはひどいけんかをし、彼女は涙を流しながら逃げ去った: They had a bitter fight and she ran away in tears.
家へ帰って行く: slope home
歩いて家に返った。: I walked home.
涙を流し始めながら: with one's eyes beginning to water