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  • After the dog bit him, he staggered home bleeding.
  • にか     にか 二価 divalent
  • かま     かま 釜 iron pot kettle 窯 stove furnace kiln 鎌 sickle part of a fish around the
  • まれ     まれ 希 稀 rare seldom
  • 流し     流し ながし sink
  • しな     しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
  • がら     がら 柄 pattern design
  • いて     いて 射手 archer shooter bowman
  • ながら     ながら 乍 though notwithstanding while during both all while doing although
  • 歩いて     on [by] shank's [shanks'] mare [pony]
  • しながら     しながら 品柄 quality
  • よろよろ     よろよろ unsteady on its feet tottering
  • 鼻から血を流しながら    blood rushing from one's nose
  • 涙を流しながら    1. as tears floods one's eyes 2. in tears 3. through one's tears 4. with tears in one's eyes
  • 犬にかまれた跡    scar from a dog bite
  • お湯を流しながら洗う    wash with warm running water
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