give inordinate weight to protecting the culprit's rights
犯罪者の権利を守る: 1. protect the culprit's rights 2. protect the rights of the offender 患者の権利を守る: protect the rights of patients 強調し過ぎる: 【他動】 1. overaccentuate 2. overemphasize 労働者の権利を守る: protect a workers' right 精神障害者の権利を守る: protect the rights of the mentally ill 数を強調し過ぎる: place too much emphasis on numbers 個人の権利を守る: protect the rights of individuals 強調し過ぎることはない: can't be overemphasized 出稼ぎ労働者の権利を守る: protect the rights of migrant workers やたら強調する: 【他動】 exaggerate 少数派の権利を守るデモ: minority-rights demonstration 市民の権利を守る原則: principle protecting citizens' right 憲法上の権利を守る: protect the constitutional rights of〔人の〕 ~としての(人)の権利を守る: stand up for someone's rights as ~のマイナス面をやたら強調する: exaggerate the negative aspects of