- be reluctant to offer a reason for〔~の〕
をしぶしぶ認める: concede that〔that以下〕
金をしぶしぶ渡す: cough up some dough
しぶしぶ: しぶしぶ 渋々 渋渋 reluctantly unwillingly
しぶしぶ 1: 1. in bad humor 2. under protest 3. with half a heart 4. with hesitancy 5. with reluctance〔 【反】 without reluctance〕 しぶしぶ 2 【副】 1. begrudgingly 2. grudgingly 3. reluctantly しぶしぶ 3 with bad [ill]
しぶしぶの: 【形】 1. loath 2. reluctant
しぶしぶ~する: be reluctant to
しぶしぶ従う: yield under protest
しぶしぶ渡す: cough up〔金?情報などを〕
しぶしぶ謝る: apologize unwillingly
判決理由を述べる: give one's reason for the decision
理由を(人)に述べる 1: give someone a reason〔複数形の reasons が使われることもある〕 理由を(人)に述べる 2 1. give someone a reason to 2. give someone one's reason for [to do]〔~する〕 理由を(人)に述べる 3 give someone a reason for〔~の〕
ふしぶし: ふしぶし 節々 節節 joints points (of a speech)
提案をしぶしぶ受け入れる: be reluctant to accept a proposal for〔~への〕
重要性をしぶしぶ受け入れる: begrudgingly accept the importance of〔~の〕
しぶしぶの承認: reluctant admission