環境に深刻な影響をもたらす: have serious consequences on the environment 深刻な影響をもたらす: 1. have serious consequences 2. produce serious effects 国際平和に対する深刻な脅威をもたらす: pose a grave threat to international peace その社会全体に深刻な影響をもたらす: bring a dramatic influence throughout the community 健康に深刻な影響をもたらす: have profound effects on health 日本経済に深刻な影響をもたらす: have severe repercussions for the Japanese economy 極めて深刻な影響をもたらす: have extremely serious effects on〔~へ〕 競争力に深刻な影響をもたらす: have a severe impact on the competitiveness 危機がもたらす深刻な影響を認識する: be conscious of the serious impact of the crisis その地域の生態系に深刻な影響をもたらす: bring a severe impact on the region's ecosystem 水や土壌に対する深刻な影響: serious influence for water and soil 環境に対する深刻な脅威の存在: existence of serious threats to one's environment such as〔~など〕 環境に対する度重なる害悪をもたらす: bring cumulative evils on the environment 環境にひどい影響をもたらす: have a disastrous effect on the environment 大きな影響をもたらす: have a great impact [influence] on〔~に〕