How successful are the farmers that try to diversify their production?
大成功を収める 1: 1. achieve a high measure of success 2. come off with flying colors 3. get a hell of a lot 4. have a field day〔 【語源】 field day = 野外運動の日(遠足?ピクニック)→ 思う存分活動できる機会〕 5. have a smashing success 6. have tre成功を収める 1: 1. achieve a successful outcome 2. bring home the bacon [groceries]〈米〉 3. hit a homer [home run] 4. obtain success 成功を収める 2 【自動】 achieve 成功を収める 3 achieve [attain, gain, have, score, win] successその企業のウェブサイトは、どの程度の効果を上げているのだろうか。: How effective is the company's website? 信じられないほどの大成功を収める: achieve stunning success 彼女のダンスはとてもいい、だが大成功を収めるほどではないだろう: Her dancing is good, but it's not going to set the world on fire. その事業は、当初から成功を収めている: The business has been a success since its inception. その小売店は、大きな成功を収めている。: The retail store is working very well. とてつもない成功を収めている: have maximum success 前作で商業的な成功を収めている: have had some commercial success with one's previous work 成功を収めている協力関係: successful partnership 成功を収めている協調関係: successful partnership 試みられて大変な成功を収めている: have been tried in ~ with a great deal of success〔~で〕 常識が勝利を収めるだろう: Common sense will win out. わずかに成功を収める: marginally successful 一夜にして成功を収める: turn into an overnight success