つらさに悲鳴を上げる: squeal in agony 恐怖に悲鳴を上げる: scream with terror 物価高に悲鳴を上げる: be overwhelmed at high prices 苦痛に悲鳴を上げる: scream in agony 悲鳴を上げる 1: 1. cry out for help 2. give a scream 3. give a shriek 4. let out a screech [scream] 5. let out a yell 6. scream out 7. utter a shriek 悲鳴を上げる 2 【自動】 1. scream 2. screech 3. shriek 重みに耐えかねて悲鳴を上げる: scream under someone's weight〔人の〕 うれしい悲鳴を上げる: produce squeals of delight 喜びの悲鳴を上げる: shriek in delight 心の中で悲鳴を上げる: scream within one's mind 恐怖の悲鳴を上げる: cry out in horror 痛くて悲鳴を上げる: 1. give a shriek of pain 2. yell in pain 3. yell with pain 連続して悲鳴を上げる: scream nonstop ゴキブリを見て悲鳴を上げる: scream at the sight of a cockroach 体重に耐えかねて悲鳴を上げる: scream under someone's weight〔人の〕 家を揺るがすほどの悲鳴を上げる: scream the house down